Discovery Questions

Dear Organizational Leader,

I pray you are blessed today. You are probably asking, "Why Discovery Questions?"

The video above explains my heart and passion for starting all business relationships healthily.

Someone once told me how you start a relationship says everything about where you end up. Business relationships are not like marriage and family, which are meant to be lifelong but essential for one's mental and financial health. 

Many of our clients hire us only for one-off projects,2—to 5-year retainers, but some have been with us for over 10+ years. You can read our case studies and reviews here:

No matter the length of the relationship, what matters to us and high-value clients is the quality and experience we have working together to grow your business.

We believe that when doing business with a company, it's crucial to assess the legitimacy and potential of the partnership.

The discovery questions below help us understand your business's viability, reliability, and strategic vision.

A vetting process from both ends confirms whether the partnership will be mutually beneficial and aligned with each other's values, capabilities, and business goals.

Choosing the right partners and the potential benefits of successful collaborations is essential. 

John D. Rockefeller once said:

"The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well."

While this quote does not directly relate to partnerships, it emphasizes the importance of excellence and how doing even the simplest things exceptionally well can lead to success.

Henry Ford said:

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success."

When applied to partnerships, it suggests that choosing partners who share a commitment to excellence and integrity can significantly enhance the likelihood of achieving outstanding results and profits.

Partners can create a robust and profitable collaboration by focusing on doing everyday tasks exceptionally well together.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 articulated the wisdom of Solomon when it came to Partnerships:

"Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either falls, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."

This passage emphasizes the practical and moral support that partnerships can provide, suggesting that working together not only increases the effectiveness of one's efforts but also offers mutual support during challenging times.

As a social enterprise business development and marketing company, my wife (Jhael Hakimian) and I run the business according to Christian values.

Here are five fundamental values that we seek to characterize:

  1. 1) Integrity: Operating with honesty and transparency, ensuring that all dealings are conducted in a trustworthy manner that reflects Christian ethics.

  2. 2) Service: Prioritizing the needs of customers, employees, and the community, serving them with humility and dedication, akin to the Biblical principle of "serving one another in love" (Galatians 5:13).

  3. 3) Stewardship: Managing resources responsibly, whether they are financial, environmental, or human resources, reflecting the belief in being good stewards of what God has provided.

  4. 4) Compassion: Demonstrating genuine concern and empathy for the welfare of others, both within and outside the organization, inspired by Jesus' command to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39).

  5. 5) Respect for Dignity of All People: Valuing and respecting every individual, recognizing that everyone is made in the image of God, which involves fair treatment, equality, and non-discrimination in all business practices.

These values guide our business operations, treatment of staff and clients, and overall decisions. They help build a positive corporate culture and a reputable business identity in the community. We expect our clients and partners to express these values in how they treat their customers, clients, staff, and us as partners (Global Presence Enterprises, LLC and subsidiaries) throughout the business development or marketing relationship.

This is why we take pride in our A+ BBB rating and the reviews many of our clients have shared over the years (though not always perfect, we are responsive and responsible for our mistakes) and our long-term relationships with our clients.

Thank you for taking the time to read my "Why Discovery Questions?" statement.

I hope this letter offers you a glimpse into my heart and the values and mindset of our company. We aim to align with your company, contribute value, take responsibility for our errors, pivot towards successful actions, and consistently celebrate the victories of acquiring and servicing new clients with diligence and the highest quality of service.


Jack Hakimian


Please Answer The Questions Below: